All on 6 Implants in Madurai

All on 6 Implants

Losing multiple teeth can be a distressing experience, impacting your ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently. Traditional dentures may not provide the stability and strength you desire. That's where All-on-6 implants come to assist. There are so many people suffering from losing teeth but worry not, the solution is all on 6 implants in Madurai. At SRM Dental Clinic, we offer precise solutions to this problem

What is an all-on-6 implant?

The All-on-6 implant concept is a state-of-the-art dental technique designed for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth in an arch. Unlike traditional dentures, which can be less stable and may require adhesives, All-on-6 implants offer a fixed and reliable solution.

The treatment involves the placement of six dental implants in the jawbone to serve as anchors for a customized full-arch prosthesis. These implants are strategically positioned to maximize bone support, ensuring a strong foundation for the denture.

The All-on-6 Implant Process:

Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation with a dentist experienced in All-on-6 implants. During this visit, your dentist will evaluate your oral health, discuss your goals, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment.

Treatment Planning: If All-on-6 implants are recommended, your dentist will create a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs and desired outcome.

Implant Placement: The dental implants are surgically placed in your jawbone during a minor procedure. These implants will serve as anchors for your denture.

Temporary Prosthesis: While your permanent prosthesis is custom-made, you may be fitted with a temporary denture to maintain aesthetics and function.

Prosthesis Fitting: Once your full-arch prosthesis is ready, it will be securely attached to the dental implants, ensuring a snug and stable fit.

Prosthesis Fitting: Once your full-arch prosthesis is ready, it will be securely attached to the dental implants, ensuring a snug and stable fit.

Final Adjustments: Your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal bite, fit, and comfort.

How all on 6 dental implants work?

All-on-6 dental implants are based on six dental implants, including upper and lower arches. The six dental implants are placed in the jaw one by one, thereby creating pillars for the placement of the bridges and crowns depending on the patient's case.

The main advantage of all 6 dental implants is that they effectively use your jaw bone so that the loads from the force of mastication (chewing) are directly transferred to the underlying bone through the dental implant.

The all-on-6 dental implants have ensured that the patient's jaw does not get overburdened due to many dental implants inserted in the upper and lower jaws.

The dental implants are tactfully placed by our team to ensure the best results at the end of the dental treatment.

All-on-6 implants offer a reliable and stable solution for individuals with significant tooth loss. The benefits of enhanced stability improved chewing efficiency, and natural aesthetics make All-on-6 implants an appealing choice. If you're ready to regain your smile's strength and functionality, consult with an experienced dentist for all-on-6 implants in Madurai. You can also visit SRM Dental Clinic and explore the possibilities of All-on-6 implants for a brighter future.