Dental Crown & Bridge Cost in Madurai

Dental Crown & Bridge Treatment

Dental crowns & bridges are crucial in restoring damaged teeth and enhancing smiles in modern dentistry. If you're facing dental issues such as a cracked or decayed tooth, or missing teeth visit SRM Dental Clinic for dental crown and bridge treatment in Madurai. Our expert Dr. Meyyappan will guide you with the best options to regain your oral health and confidence.

What Are Dental Crown & Bridge?

A dental crown is a custom-made cap that covers a damaged or decayed tooth. These crowns are meticulously designed to mimic your natural teeth' shape, size, and color, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result. They are commonly used to strengthen weakened teeth, protect them from further damage, and improve their appearance.

Dental Bridges are used to replace missing teeth. They are set of crowns that use the adjacent teeth as anchor to replace the missing

Why are Dental Crowns Important?

Dental crowns are crucial for keeping a chipped tooth in good shape. They help maintain its size, strength, and appearance, making sure your smile stays beautiful after dental issues.

Here's why they are so essential:

Support for Damaged Teeth: Crowns give support to teeth that are damaged and decayed.

Preventing Further Damage: They stop a broken tooth from wearing down even more.

Protection After Root Canal: Crowns protect your tooth after a root canal procedure.

Enhancing Appearance: They improve the look of a broken tooth and can also cover a dental implant.

Why are Dental Bridges Important?

Dental bridges are a popular way to restore a natural smile for those with missing teeth.

Here’s why dental bridges matter:

Cost-Effective Solution: Dental bridges are a budget-friendly option for dealing with tooth gaps.

No Need for Bone Grafting: Unlike some procedures, dental bridges don't require bone grafting, which is a surgical step for various dental implants.

Easy and Convenient: Placing dental bridges is easy and convenient, making it a hassle-free option for tooth restoration.

The Art and Science of the Dental Crown Procedure

Getting a dental crown typically involves two appointments:

Consultation and Preparation: Your first dental visit involves a tooth examination and crown selection. Your dentist will arrange your tooth by removing decay and shaping it to fit the crown's height.

Crown Placement: In the second appointment, your custom-made crown will be securely cemented in place. Your dentist will ensure it fits perfectly and blends with your surrounding teeth in color and function.

Care For Your Dental Crown & Bridges

To ensure the lifespan of your dental crown or bridge, it's essential to follow these care tips:

Maintain Regular Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and floss daily to remove plaque and debris around the dental crown and bridge.

Gentle Brushing Technique: Use a gentle brushing technique around the crown and bridge to prevent damage to the restoration and minimize gum irritation

Schedule Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly to ensure the crown and bridge are in good condition, and address any issues promptly.

Avoid Hard Objects and Sticky Foods: Avoid from biting on hard objects and limit the consumption of sticky or sugary foods to prevent damage and maintain the longevity of your dental crown and bridge.

Dental crowns and bridges are a remarkable solution for restoring damaged teeth and enhancing your smile. They offer many benefits, including improved functionality, protection, and aesthetic appeal. If you need dental restoration, visit SRM Dental Clinic and meet our experienced dentist Dr Meyyappan for dental crown and bridge treatment in Madurai.